Friday, February 6, 2009

Could this be it?

We went and looked at a house yesterday and I think we've found the one!

It's being rented out at a very good price and in a lovely area of Somerset West.

It has 3 bedrooms, an ensuite bathroom in the main bedroom, another full bathroom, a separate toilet, kitchen, dining room, lounge and a fireplace in the lounge! It is old and needs a bit of attention, but we're not too phased by that.

It has a GREAT sized garden - the kids will actually be able to run around the place and it also has a double garage as well as a utility room for the washing machine and all that stuff!!

So, now we just have to wait if the owner is happy with us and the previous tenants need to find a place soon!

We're hoping to move in around the 1st March - please keep us in your prayers that everything goes well and that we get this lovely home!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Robyn's Baptism

On Saturday, Robyn was baptised by her Daddy!

It was such a special experience - she looked so beautiful and was so good during all the talks! I continue to be amazed by my girl.

Ouma did a lovely talk, Cammie shared his testimony and Ashleigh, Cammie and Lollie sang "When I am baptised" for Robyn. They sounded like angels.

Oupa was able to confirm her and give her the gift of the Holy Ghost!

I wish I could express how I really feel about this day - I think I saw a glimpse of Robyn in the future. Strong and sure in the gospel - it was awe inspiring.

I love you, Robyn xxx

Robyn turns.... 8!

So the day finally dawned two Sundays ago... my little Robyn turned 8!

We had a great time on Sunday afternoon - we spent the time at Mom and Dad's and all the cousins and aunts and uncles got together to celebrate Robyn's birthday.

I made her a cake that looked like her boogie board (her present) and she was very well spoiled with lots of lovely presents.

We celebrated her birthday again the following Friday with a few of her friends (Kelly and Michaela)- we went to the supertube and they spent 2 hours throwing themselves down these slippy slidey tunnels!!

Hettie had flown down from JHB the night before, so she was able to share the day with us! It was LOADS OF FUN!