Saturday, March 21, 2009

Photos of the house...

I know, I know - I promised ages ago I would take photos of the house and I've still not done it!!!

Will take some tomorrow!!!

Love you all,

Lin xx

Monday, March 9, 2009

Complex kids ...

The last time we lived in a complex was about 9 years ago and Cammie was not even one so I've never experienced the whole complex kid scene, but I am now!

It is quite amazing to see the children of the complex swarm out of their houses at around 4pm, climb on their bikes (all shapes and sizes, from the black bike variety to big mountain bike variety)and ride together.

These are children that have never met before, yet, within minutes they are laughing and playing happily together. It reminds me a bit of what my childhood was like - we played with our next door neighbours, played in the field across the road and occasionally when they were building houses further down our road, we would venture off to play in the enormous heaps of sand - all without our moms worrying that something would happen to us.

But living in a complex also comes with it's challenges - we're having to teach the children that they cannot scream and shout and behave like hooligans (they don't generally behave like hooligans - thank goodness), to think of other people and to be aware of the fact that they can't just run all over other people's gardens! But they're doing well and making us proud!!

Sleep well, friends!

Friday, March 6, 2009

All by myself ...

Well, my dearest Quen has offed and left me alone with the kids for a night for the Young Men's Camp!!! And what have I been doing?

No, not lying in a bath! No, not painting my nails and watching girly movies!

I'm cleaning the house!!!! And in this terrible heat too!!!!!

I must be mad!

Monday, March 2, 2009

We've finally done it...

Yes, we've done it! We've moved out of the flat and we are in our own little 3 bedroom house in a complex in Somerset Ridge. Just down the road from the chapel. I'll take some photos soon, I just want to get a few of our things up - photo frames on the walls, things that personalise the home!

I can't tell you how exciting this is...