Sunday, September 6, 2009

And so... life goes on!

My blog has been terribly neglected - reasons being 1) I don't have an internet connection during the day and 2)nothing much has been happening. Just the same old stuff that fills up my days, months and years! Not complaining - I generally enjoy most of it!

It was my birthday last month and it really was a lovely day. The family woke me up singing Happy Birthday and Quen made me a cup of tea (He makes the ultimate cup of tea)and off Quen and Cammie went to work and school. Then the phonecalls started which I always love!

Paulie and I met at the Nature Reserve where I bought my birthday present (our annual membership to the Nature Reserve) and we had a lovely walk around with Robyn, Joshie and Jared. Had some tea and scones and Paulie gave me my present - the Twilight cd. Oh, we are so rocking in the car! OOOOHHHH, YOU SET MY SOUL ALIGHT!!! Even Jared sings along!!

Afternoon was the usual stuff and then Quen got home early and made a most delicious roast lamb, potatoes, etc. for supper for me. We watched a movie once the kids had gone to bed and chilled.

It was a quiet birthday, but exactly how I wanted it! Thank you to all!

Cammie has just finished writing his second test series - they are a pain I could do without. Ugh, horrible. His school is also going to be doing a revue which starts this coming week. Another, ugh horrible. I absolutely HATE these shows. The late nights for kids - constant demands of make up, clothes, money. Anyway, we'll go watch it and I'm sure we'll enjoy it!

Robyn has her ballet exam on the 16th September which they are working hard to be ready for. I'm sure she's going to really well again. The ballet studio that she belongs to will also be doing a show in November, but I don't think it's as highkey as Cammie's one!!! Thank goodness.

J-baby is hysterical! He jsut does and says the funniest things and makes me laugh. He is also incredibly naughty and pushes us to our limits. I'm really going to have to get stricter with him! Quen wants me to potty-train him, but Jared is showing absolutely NO interest in using the toilet! I'm not willing to force him into this, but I would like to not have the cost of nappies every month.

I spent a lovely weekend in Fisherhaven with Mom, Dad and David the week before my birthday - it was such a lovely, relaxing time. Mom and I walked to the lagoon mouth. It is so beautiful there and I'm grateful I got to spend time with Mom and Dad! They spoilt me rotten!

Quen is working REALLY hard - he's been coming home after 8pm sometimes 10pm for the last two weeks trying to get the whole project finished off. I understand he has to do it and I'm really trying not to complain, but I miss him so much during the week. Jared feels it the most because he doesn't understand why Quen isn't there. At least I can explain to Cammie and Robs why Quen has to work late! Oh well, the project will be over soon!

Anyhoo, I'll try to be more diligent about writing on the blog!! And Ruan, I'm sorry I haven't done the photos yet. Shocking, I know!!! Keep bugging me!

Love you all!
