Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 - New Year!

2010 has a strange feeling to me - it feels like things are going to really get cracking for me - personally and as a family!!

This year, in December, Cameron turns 12 - yes, he's going to be 12 and that means he receives the priesthood and enters the Youth program! This freaks me out a little... NO, it freaks me out A LOT!!! Since when am I old enough to have a child in Young Men who will be a priesthood holder and will serve the sacrament? It just seems so unreal! I get all teary just imagining Cammie serve the sacrament for the first time... Boo hoo!

Robyn's schooling is hopefully going to be on track now - I love her school (it was my old primary school). The teachers and principal are approachable, friendly and helpful and are determined to help Robyn! So, I'm praying that's it for the whole schooling saga!!! Robsie turns 9 in a few days and has requested that we take her to Jimmy's Prawns for her birthday!! So funny!! She is really trying to be a good girl and we often hear her saying her prayers at night... with no reminders from us. So proud of her.

Jared is a crazy boy, still!!! He has us on the go, but can be so loving and sweet!! He adores Cammie, but bullies Robyn for some inexplicable reason. She can just walk past him and he'll try whack her! Nasty boy! He is very cute tho. He calls a jungle gym a "jungiebum". Not sure why, but very cute!!!