Friday, October 31, 2008

It's All Over...

Well, Robyn's first ballet exam is over! Thank goodness! She seemed to enjoy it a lot and was completely relaxed about the whole thing. Not like her pathetic mother. I just remembered my childhood nervousness of ballet exams and started to panic! Not too badly tho.
Robyn's ballet teacher phoned yesterday as she was so impressed with Robyn's attention and performance - she received the "highly commended" grade which is one down from "Honours" which is the top score!
Wow! I am so impressed with my little girl!!!
PS. The no. 4 on her chest isn't where she came - it's her number linking her to her name for the examiner!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who's more nervous? Mom or Robyn?

Robyn has her first ballet exam tomorrow morning and I must confess that I am in a little bit of tizz about it! Silly, aren't I?

Tomorrow she has to wear her pink leotard, pink tights and ballet shoes with her hair in a gorgeous bun!!!

Will take photos and let you know how it goes!!

Hold thumbs for us!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

Lovely, busy weekend again - but really a happy good one!

We had yet another braai with Paulie, Russ and the kids - delicious, scrumptious, mouth-watering and all other good things!!!

My darling Quena took all the kids (du Preez's, Baker and Whites) to Netty & Larry's pool where it seems like they had loads of fun. Except for the fact that Jared kept throwing stones into the pool - one of which hit poor Lollie on the head! Sorry Lollipop!

Paula and I took the opportunity to hit the mall - we just walked and looked and dreamed!!

It was also great to see Charline and Martin Crous again - old friends from Centurion Ward days! They are looking happy - I just can't believe how big Scott is now and that Lauren is getting married in December. Wow, I feel old!

What a really great weekend!!!

43 more sleepies, Ouma!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jared's first sentence - Go Car!!!

Grandpa would be proud!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just one of those days...

It's been one of those joyous days where I've been tired so everything around me is irritating! Shocking, I know, but nevertheless it happens!

And of course, Jared picks up on my irritated feelings and enjoys to cry more than usual when I feel irked!!! Paula and I have come up with a crazy laugh which helps us get through those days - sounds a bit like two witches cackling - insane, we know, but it helps because it makes us laugh!

I'm finding this week of homeschool hard - I'm not feeling motivated at all but I know that Robyn's education is on my shoulders so I have already given myself a firm talking to and tomorrow we start fresh with renewed vooma!

Today Paula, Robyn, Joshie, Jared and I went to the nature reserve - to get the boys out and to look for a termite hill (couldn't find any). Went for a lovely stroll and then my kids found the mud! First Jared went running into it, but luckily he didn't get too muddy, but Robyn (who saw the mud) basically jumped into it and got her shoes and jeans covered in it. Mommy saw red!!!! Anyway, to cut a long ranting story short she cleaned herself up and we both calmed down again!!! Must learn to be more patient!

Cameron told me this afternoon that he is on the A team for cricket and sounded very pleased and smug about it! Congrats, my boy! You're a super star!

Love you all xxx

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Quena!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

What a busy weekend! It's all a bit of a blur already! We had a cricket match, slippy sliding, a braai, primary presentation practice, swimming, family, another braai, servicing of Quen's car, church with primary presentation, a lesson to prepare and give for Relief Society, lunch and then family tea for all the October birthdays happening this week! We had Quen, Lolly and Kate's birthday yesterday and Ashleigh's next Monday!

Quen had a quiet birthday but he seemed happy with it - we're going to have a little bash next weekend - the birthday boy wants an inflatable slippy slide. Boys... do they ever grow up?

Quen is desperate to join the family for their annual get together this weekend - I must say, I would love it too. We have seen everyone for a few years now and they haven't met Jared yet! Don't know what they're missing!!! Although I could be slightly biased...

How many more sleepies, Ouma? 49!!! Yaaiihhh, we're into the forties!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Heigh Ho! It's off to school I go!

It's our second week of homeschooling and so far, so good! Just did a test with Robyn for her 10 words that she had to learn this week and she scored... 10/10!!! Hurray!!!

Cammie is off to the museum today with his class and was so excited to get going this morning that he was dressed and ready by 6h45! Oh, how I wish every morning could be so easy. Normally it takes a lot more coaxing to get him out of bed. Typical male!

I am so excited about our December holidays - Hettie and Thys, Didi and Aimee are coming down to stay and we're all going to live in Betty's Bay for two weeks! Oh please let the weather be good. I plan to get a great tan, go dune boarding, nature walks, sleep, read, and eat! 53 more sleepies!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday at the Nature Reserve!

We've had some really beautiful weather lately, so we decided to head out for the nature reserve this afternoon (after Quen's nap obviously) to lie around on the grass and watch the kids play!

I'm always reminded how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the world when we go to the nature reserve - it calms my soul the moment I get there!

Cameron, Robyn and Jared brought their bikes with so it was action stations... for Quen because he said they could bring the bikes! I must say I did have a bit of a giggle while he ran after Jared who was very determined to ride his black bike on the road amidst the moving cars!

It was lots of fun though and so special to spend time together!

This evening we had a braai with Paula, Russ, Ashleigh, Lorian and Josh out in the garden - our first braai of the summer. Delicious! Russ braaied the most tasty salmon steaks which he allowed us to taste - very yummy!

And now for the best part of the day - the children are all asleep and I have a few precious moments to myself to get ready for homeschooling this week, catch up on emails and to start my new blog!

Before I sign off though I need to say a BIG thank you to my darling friend, Elaine for setting up my blog for me! You're a star!

And the last item of 'business' is CONGRATULATIONS to Bronwyn and Joel who have just taken "arrival" of their first little baba! I'm so happy for you!