Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday at the Nature Reserve!

We've had some really beautiful weather lately, so we decided to head out for the nature reserve this afternoon (after Quen's nap obviously) to lie around on the grass and watch the kids play!

I'm always reminded how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the world when we go to the nature reserve - it calms my soul the moment I get there!

Cameron, Robyn and Jared brought their bikes with so it was action stations... for Quen because he said they could bring the bikes! I must say I did have a bit of a giggle while he ran after Jared who was very determined to ride his black bike on the road amidst the moving cars!

It was lots of fun though and so special to spend time together!

This evening we had a braai with Paula, Russ, Ashleigh, Lorian and Josh out in the garden - our first braai of the summer. Delicious! Russ braaied the most tasty salmon steaks which he allowed us to taste - very yummy!

And now for the best part of the day - the children are all asleep and I have a few precious moments to myself to get ready for homeschooling this week, catch up on emails and to start my new blog!

Before I sign off though I need to say a BIG thank you to my darling friend, Elaine for setting up my blog for me! You're a star!

And the last item of 'business' is CONGRATULATIONS to Bronwyn and Joel who have just taken "arrival" of their first little baba! I'm so happy for you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmmm hmmmmm...... Well aren't you the perfect little family????? Big head ......(you, not me)