Thursday, November 26, 2009


Yes, it's that horrible time of the year again. Just has everybody is starting to collapse from end-of-year exhaustion the schools hoist the most dreaded thing on us mommies - EXAMS!!!!

And let me warn all those new mommies out there who's kids haven't started writing exams yet - prepare to repeat school again!! I once again know the difference between a homophone and a homonym - how to do mixed fractions and a few details on fruit farming!!!!

If I had just one child, this would be fine, but as most of us have more than one, here lies the problem. Your other child either also needs help studying or doing homework and if you're lucky you've got a 3 year old who likes to DESTROY everything while you're trying to help the older kids!! What fun... Are you feeling my stress levels go up yet?

There are 3 exams left... 2 more after tomorrow and then it's just 15 days and the kids are on holiday and just 18 days and we all go up to Ouma and Oupa and the rest of the family and spend a few weeks there!!! Ooohh, I cannot wait!!!

Hurry up holidays and then... SLOW DOWN!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Life ...

Sometimes no matter how much you plan and prepare, life comes along and knocks you down... right down onto the ground!!

It comes from all angles and seems to enjoy tripping you up and seeing if you manage to stay up or if you're going to come crashing down.

I've done quite a lot of crashing down lately - not coping with the demands of being a mom is the big one at the moment. It's a constant sacrifice to give of yourself, your time, your energy, everything that makes you who you are and be a mom.

Robyn has returned to school and so now Jared doesn't have a "friend" around the house so I've become "friend". In fact, he loves his "friend" so much that I can't even go to the toilet without him following me there and shouting at me to show him how I weewee!!! Don't worry I don't show him - but that is the extent of NO PRIVACY in my life right now.

I love my kids but there are moments in my week that I just want to drop them all off somewhere (it would be a safe somewhere not on the side of the N2) and not be a mom for a while. I want to be selfish for a while, but that just isn't how it works!

Another reason why I think I'm feeling so drained is Quen's working hours. He works INSANE hours and we don't really see him during the week and when we do he is so tired he can hardly talk. But even though I miss him so much I am truly grateful to him for trying so hard to look after his family financially. I think of Quen as my hero right now - he has a lot of pressures in his life, but he is managing to stay strong and generally positive.

So yes, life does try knock you down - but I guess that's just life. What's that saying... it's not how many times you get knocked down that counts, it's the getting up again that's important!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And so... life goes on!

My blog has been terribly neglected - reasons being 1) I don't have an internet connection during the day and 2)nothing much has been happening. Just the same old stuff that fills up my days, months and years! Not complaining - I generally enjoy most of it!

It was my birthday last month and it really was a lovely day. The family woke me up singing Happy Birthday and Quen made me a cup of tea (He makes the ultimate cup of tea)and off Quen and Cammie went to work and school. Then the phonecalls started which I always love!

Paulie and I met at the Nature Reserve where I bought my birthday present (our annual membership to the Nature Reserve) and we had a lovely walk around with Robyn, Joshie and Jared. Had some tea and scones and Paulie gave me my present - the Twilight cd. Oh, we are so rocking in the car! OOOOHHHH, YOU SET MY SOUL ALIGHT!!! Even Jared sings along!!

Afternoon was the usual stuff and then Quen got home early and made a most delicious roast lamb, potatoes, etc. for supper for me. We watched a movie once the kids had gone to bed and chilled.

It was a quiet birthday, but exactly how I wanted it! Thank you to all!

Cammie has just finished writing his second test series - they are a pain I could do without. Ugh, horrible. His school is also going to be doing a revue which starts this coming week. Another, ugh horrible. I absolutely HATE these shows. The late nights for kids - constant demands of make up, clothes, money. Anyway, we'll go watch it and I'm sure we'll enjoy it!

Robyn has her ballet exam on the 16th September which they are working hard to be ready for. I'm sure she's going to really well again. The ballet studio that she belongs to will also be doing a show in November, but I don't think it's as highkey as Cammie's one!!! Thank goodness.

J-baby is hysterical! He jsut does and says the funniest things and makes me laugh. He is also incredibly naughty and pushes us to our limits. I'm really going to have to get stricter with him! Quen wants me to potty-train him, but Jared is showing absolutely NO interest in using the toilet! I'm not willing to force him into this, but I would like to not have the cost of nappies every month.

I spent a lovely weekend in Fisherhaven with Mom, Dad and David the week before my birthday - it was such a lovely, relaxing time. Mom and I walked to the lagoon mouth. It is so beautiful there and I'm grateful I got to spend time with Mom and Dad! They spoilt me rotten!

Quen is working REALLY hard - he's been coming home after 8pm sometimes 10pm for the last two weeks trying to get the whole project finished off. I understand he has to do it and I'm really trying not to complain, but I miss him so much during the week. Jared feels it the most because he doesn't understand why Quen isn't there. At least I can explain to Cammie and Robs why Quen has to work late! Oh well, the project will be over soon!

Anyhoo, I'll try to be more diligent about writing on the blog!! And Ruan, I'm sorry I haven't done the photos yet. Shocking, I know!!! Keep bugging me!

Love you all!


Friday, May 15, 2009

A moment's peace...

Well, Robyn is watching a movie, Jared is sleeping and Quen and Cam have gone off to enjoy some of the Father-Son camp while the weather lasts! The weather is pretty yucky!

So I'm enjoying this moment's peace by checking out facebook quickly and saying hello to my blog! I'm so very proud of myself - I've finally started sewing and I mean really sewing - so far I've mad a variety of little outfits for Robyn's lamb, pyjamas for Cammie and Jared, a tracksuit with cute little frilly additions for a friend's baby girl and now I start on Robyn's pyjamas!!! I rock!!!

Love you all!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More pics...

Moving on...

I'm pathetic, I know - I still haven't done the photos of the house! So I'm moving on to whats been going on the last few days!! I'll get to the house photos EVENTUALLY!!

We arrived back home last night from a wonderful 4 nights in Plettenberg Bay - we were there for Ruan and Veronica's wedding which was absolutely stunning (as Ouma would say!)

We had a great time - went for a delicious breakfast at the Stormsriver Mouth, a boat ride, had fun at the beach, river boat rides, and basically just having a great time!

Quen and I have fallen madly, deeply in love with the Garden Route area. It's really a fantastic place to go on a family holiday and so we're hoping to save up and go on a really great holiday with the kids next year!

Anyway, have a look at some of the photos and enjoy!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Photos of the house...

I know, I know - I promised ages ago I would take photos of the house and I've still not done it!!!

Will take some tomorrow!!!

Love you all,

Lin xx

Monday, March 9, 2009

Complex kids ...

The last time we lived in a complex was about 9 years ago and Cammie was not even one so I've never experienced the whole complex kid scene, but I am now!

It is quite amazing to see the children of the complex swarm out of their houses at around 4pm, climb on their bikes (all shapes and sizes, from the black bike variety to big mountain bike variety)and ride together.

These are children that have never met before, yet, within minutes they are laughing and playing happily together. It reminds me a bit of what my childhood was like - we played with our next door neighbours, played in the field across the road and occasionally when they were building houses further down our road, we would venture off to play in the enormous heaps of sand - all without our moms worrying that something would happen to us.

But living in a complex also comes with it's challenges - we're having to teach the children that they cannot scream and shout and behave like hooligans (they don't generally behave like hooligans - thank goodness), to think of other people and to be aware of the fact that they can't just run all over other people's gardens! But they're doing well and making us proud!!

Sleep well, friends!

Friday, March 6, 2009

All by myself ...

Well, my dearest Quen has offed and left me alone with the kids for a night for the Young Men's Camp!!! And what have I been doing?

No, not lying in a bath! No, not painting my nails and watching girly movies!

I'm cleaning the house!!!! And in this terrible heat too!!!!!

I must be mad!

Monday, March 2, 2009

We've finally done it...

Yes, we've done it! We've moved out of the flat and we are in our own little 3 bedroom house in a complex in Somerset Ridge. Just down the road from the chapel. I'll take some photos soon, I just want to get a few of our things up - photo frames on the walls, things that personalise the home!

I can't tell you how exciting this is...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Could this be it?

We went and looked at a house yesterday and I think we've found the one!

It's being rented out at a very good price and in a lovely area of Somerset West.

It has 3 bedrooms, an ensuite bathroom in the main bedroom, another full bathroom, a separate toilet, kitchen, dining room, lounge and a fireplace in the lounge! It is old and needs a bit of attention, but we're not too phased by that.

It has a GREAT sized garden - the kids will actually be able to run around the place and it also has a double garage as well as a utility room for the washing machine and all that stuff!!

So, now we just have to wait if the owner is happy with us and the previous tenants need to find a place soon!

We're hoping to move in around the 1st March - please keep us in your prayers that everything goes well and that we get this lovely home!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Robyn's Baptism

On Saturday, Robyn was baptised by her Daddy!

It was such a special experience - she looked so beautiful and was so good during all the talks! I continue to be amazed by my girl.

Ouma did a lovely talk, Cammie shared his testimony and Ashleigh, Cammie and Lollie sang "When I am baptised" for Robyn. They sounded like angels.

Oupa was able to confirm her and give her the gift of the Holy Ghost!

I wish I could express how I really feel about this day - I think I saw a glimpse of Robyn in the future. Strong and sure in the gospel - it was awe inspiring.

I love you, Robyn xxx

Robyn turns.... 8!

So the day finally dawned two Sundays ago... my little Robyn turned 8!

We had a great time on Sunday afternoon - we spent the time at Mom and Dad's and all the cousins and aunts and uncles got together to celebrate Robyn's birthday.

I made her a cake that looked like her boogie board (her present) and she was very well spoiled with lots of lovely presents.

We celebrated her birthday again the following Friday with a few of her friends (Kelly and Michaela)- we went to the supertube and they spent 2 hours throwing themselves down these slippy slidey tunnels!!

Hettie had flown down from JHB the night before, so she was able to share the day with us! It was LOADS OF FUN!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Just for you, Ruan!

Here we go, Ruan! Jy lyk gorgeous!!!

Ruan was our Christmas clown - he handed out all the presents - hysterical!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We love the Cape!

Yesterday we decided to spend the day traveling around the Cape area - we left home at 10am and zoomed off to Rhodes Memorial - it really is such a beautiful place to go - the views are fantastic and lots of fun (and a bit of terror) climbing onto the big lions!

Next we tried Kirstenbosch Gardens but they were VERY expensive, so gave that a skip.

Then we went to the Cape Town Museum and the kids loved showing us their favourite exhibitions!

Then we drove past Camps Bay and stopped at Llandadno beach - Jared had fallen asleep so I didn't get to go on the beach, but the kids said it was lovely.

Had lunch at Hout Bay and the kids went for a swim in that cold sea - crazy!

Then drove along Chapman's Peak - closed unfortunately but Robyn got to experience her first longdrop toilet there! She was disgusted...

After that we went to Camps Bay (swam again), up to Signal Hill lookout point, up to the Cable Car and finally home!

We got home just before 7pm! It really was a great day out and we've decided to try and do an outing like that once a month! Enjoy the photos!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

What awaits?....

I've decided that I am not going to let my frustrations take control of how I feel - I have a lot to be grateful and thankful for.

My family is a huge blessing in my life - I am so very grateful that we are healthy, happy and strong!

I have a hubbie who loves me and does everything in his power to look after me. I have 3 gorgeous kids - yes, each one with their issues, but each one with their joys too!

I am going to be happy! Mwah!