Thursday, November 26, 2009


Yes, it's that horrible time of the year again. Just has everybody is starting to collapse from end-of-year exhaustion the schools hoist the most dreaded thing on us mommies - EXAMS!!!!

And let me warn all those new mommies out there who's kids haven't started writing exams yet - prepare to repeat school again!! I once again know the difference between a homophone and a homonym - how to do mixed fractions and a few details on fruit farming!!!!

If I had just one child, this would be fine, but as most of us have more than one, here lies the problem. Your other child either also needs help studying or doing homework and if you're lucky you've got a 3 year old who likes to DESTROY everything while you're trying to help the older kids!! What fun... Are you feeling my stress levels go up yet?

There are 3 exams left... 2 more after tomorrow and then it's just 15 days and the kids are on holiday and just 18 days and we all go up to Ouma and Oupa and the rest of the family and spend a few weeks there!!! Ooohh, I cannot wait!!!

Hurry up holidays and then... SLOW DOWN!

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